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I get a fatal error when running webESPript. I have uploaded only an alignment file and a secondary structure file. Help !!!

By default, ESPript supposes that the secondary structure file corresponds to the first sequence in the alignment. Which is not the case for you. Check the example for beginners in the help for webESPript. As well, you must change the default string all in the section 'Defining Groups' of the interface, so as your reference sequence appears as first.

How can I add triangles on the top of sequence blocks ?

This is possible by duplicating the form in the interface and using a vertical shift.
Take the sequence alignment vp7.aln as example. Open webESPript and do as follows, to add a blue down triangle above the 12th residue of the first displayed sequence.
-> save vp7.aln on your disk and upload it in webESPript, section 'Aligned Sequences'
-> click on ADV in the buttons frame
-> click on +1 in the same buttons frame.

Browse your form. Your will see that it has been duplicated in two independant parts. First part is [01] and second is [01] .
All the commands below must be entered in the second part of the form [01].
-> Click on 'hide sequences' in section 'Aligned Sequences'
      Thus, sequences in [01] will not be displayed, but they will serve as reference for residues numbering
-> Replace in section 'Output Layout' the vertical shift of 0, by the (number+1) of sequences contained in your alignment file (here 10)
-> Type in section 'Special Commands' D B 12 to draw a blue down triangle at column 12.
-> Click on RUN in the buttons frame to generate the PostScript figure.

How can I add any feature in a PostScript figure generated by ESPript ?

PostScript files generated by ESPript can be edited using Adobe Illustrator or IslandDraw. These programs open the first page of the PostScript file only. You can use gsview to extract any single page generated by ESPript in PostScript.
You can also generate 300 dpi GIF or TIFF images via the web interface and use a word processor if you do not have a PostScript editor.

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